How can we help you today?
Medical Recommendations
Check out the answers to our allergists' additional medical recommendations.ap
Should I be concerned about septal perforation?
Septal perforation was an occasional side effect noted with very early corticosteroid nasal sprays, primarily from the 1980s, that were considerab...
Does Allermi help with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?
If ear-related symptoms are due, at least in part, to a degree of inflammation and congestion in the deep nasal passages where the openings to the...
Immunosuppressant Disqualification Questions
Given that Allermi is a telehealth company without the capacity for in-person physical examination or full access to prior medical records, we do ...
What should I do if I have post-nasal drip or sticky mucus in my throat?
1. Really push the Salinity Spray. Saline helps to break up mucus and help it drain more easily. So, before each time you take your Super Spray do...
Why am I sneezing after using my nasal spray?
Sneezing right after taking the nasal spray is a sign of an inflamed and irritated nasal lining. If sneeze occurs within a few minutes after taking...
How can I relieve my itchy eyes from allergies?
Your Allermi nasal spray formula contains the maximum dose of antihistamine, so it should help address itchy eyes, given that the tubes of the eyes...
What do I do if I feel the need to blow my nose?
Try your best to avoid blowing your nose for 10-15 minutes after using Super Spray.
What if I sneeze right after taking my nasal spray?
Newcomers to nasal spray may sneeze after using it the first few times. This is because inflamed nasal passages will be more sensitive to new nasal...
Why are oral decongestants unsafe?
Oral decongestants such as Sudafed and Nyquil contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine and can cause more serious side-effects like irregular heart...
How do I taper off of oral antihistamines?
If you are taking OTC oral antihistamines regularly, you can overlap with Super Spray for 1-2 weeks as you adjust to Super Spray and taper down to ...
What if I have smoking or drinking as a symptom trigger?
Smoking or inhaling any irritant can cause or worsen nasal inflammation and may also lessen the efficacy of Super Spray.
Alcohol is a known non-al...
What if I have a pet allergy?
There are several additional things you can try to help with your symptoms triggered by pet dander: use an air purifier with a HEPA filter, vacuum ...
What if I have consistent symptoms in the same single nostril?
Usually both nostrils are affected by rhinitis, but sometimes one much more so than the other, so we still recommend treatment to both nostrils. Ho...
What if I have deviated septum, nasal injury or structural issues?
For patients diagnosed with deviated septum, nasal injury or structural issues, or suspect any of these issues, it is important that you consult...
What if I have a prolonged cough?
Although your allergies may indeed be contributing to your cough, when coughs are prolonged it is possible there is more than one cause. If your c...
What if I have a prescription for montelukast/Singulair?
If you have an existing prescription for montelukast/Singulair, you can safely continue taking this medication for your nasal allergy symptoms w...
Should I be concerned about rebound congestion?
Allermi is formulated to treat congestion and inflammation without inducing a rebound effect.
Formulas contain a prescription-only micro-dose of ox...
What if I have GERD or acid reflux?
There are several steps you can take to help lessen the symptoms of GERD/reflux, which is often associated with post-nasal drip:
6"" elevation ...
Can I take Allermi if I also take a sedating medication?
While it's rare, one of the ingredients in many Allermi formulas, azelastine may increase drowsiness when taken with sedating medication. If you ex...
What if I have enlarged prostate or urinary retention?
Please let us know immediately if you experience any change in urinary symptoms after starting the Super Spray, such as: difficulty starting to ur...
What if I have nasal polyps?
Please be sure to follow up with your ENT physician regarding your nasal polyps. Nasal polyps have the capability to reduce the effectiveness of Su...
What if I have asthma?
Please make sure you are regularly following up with your doctor about your asthma to ensure it is properly controlled. While treating upper airwa...